Terms of Use



We welcome you to our On-Line Shopping for authorized traders which has started operations on www.lapinhouseb2b.com (hereinafter referred to as the Website).

We offer a large range of products under the trade name ST. PAPAIOANNOU S.A. and the distinctive label “LAPIN HOUSE” (hereinafter referred to as "the Company")

The Company's head office is in 4, Gonata Str., 12133 Athens, Greecetel. (+30) 2105706100 fax 2105706166, VAT EL094532890Public  Financial Service, Taxation of Commercial Corporations, Athens.

As our products are not intended for end-consumers directly through this website, law 2251/1994 does not apply.

Before using our Website we draw your attention to the applicable terms of use, in relation to your personal information and security, regarding transactions, presentation, selling, packaging, transfer, return and delivery of goods and your rights under law.

By processing transactions on the Website you indicate acceptance of our terms of use. Should users disagree with or wish to modify our terms of use they should address an e-mail to lapin.exports@lapinhouse.com

 Company reserves the right to upgrade, suspend, terminate or in any way modify the Website or the terms of use without prior notification to users.



The purpose of the Website is to make a large range of clothing and accessories based on the trade catalogue, available to authorized retail/wholesale traders. The pricing and products may be varied at anytime without prior notification.



Ensure that you are registered as a user. We require, in case you accept the following terms of use and before your first placement of order, that you register as a user of www.lapinhouseb2b.com in order to render your servicing by our electronic shop possible.

Complete the information requested .

After selecting your products, completing the product selection from the website and completing your order.

Any message regarding receipt of the order by the Company at this stage does not in any way imply acceptance of the order but is merely an acknowledgement of
receipt of the order and as a consequence, the User/Customer IS NOT OBLIGED, AFTER HAVING RECEIVED THE RECEIPT OF THE ORDER TRANSMISSION, TO ANY PAYMENT OF ANY COST.LAPIN HOUSE   expressly reserves the right not to accept the User’s/Customer’s order, in the case that it is not approved by the company’s Sales Department.

Every order request requires prior acceptance of the present terms of use.

It is important that we point out that our Company adheres to a strict security policy to ensure that users' personal information is protected and only acted upon on users' consent and



The Company will e-mail confirmation of the order or amended order usually within 10 days  after receipt of the order. 30% prepayment within 10 days from the receipt of order confirmation is required. This will constitute final acceptance of the contract of sale.


Payment must be made before delivery can be realized. Payment may be made directly into one of the Company's bank accounts.



Delivery of the products will be made as per the customer’s instructions, after receipt of payment.

Delivery of products outside Greece, together with charges, will be carried out in consultation with the customer. The customer covers the cost of delivery/transport of the goods.

Orders will be dispatched during working hours 09.00 – 16.00 Monday to Friday.

The Company cannot be held responsible for delays caused by force majeure or events
beyond its control. The Company is also not responsible for delivery delays as a result of customs hold-ups, intermediate locations of loading and unloading, and strikes that affect delivery.

In the event of delays the Company will make every endeavor to liaise with the customer in order to resolve and expedite delivery.

Even after confirmation of an order by the Company, circumstances may arise regarding unexpected non-availability of products for which the Company cannot be held accountable. In such cases the Company will make every effort to communicate with the customer regarding the order.


The Company takes every care to ensure that products are up to standard and that they are carefully packed. It will be assumed that the customer has received the products in a good, standard condition if they are received without written objection within 5 working days of receipt of the products.

Defective products may be returned subject to the prior written consent of the Company.


The Company and customers are expected to operate the website in good faith and in accordance with sound business practice.

The users of the Website undertake not to publish, send via e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, disparaging, slanderous, vulgar, indecent, libelous, that is in violation of someone's privacy, shows spite, or expresses racial, national or other discrimination, can cause damage to minors in any way, has not the right to be transmitted in compliance with the law or the contractual or administrative relations ( as insider information, ownership and confidential information acquired or revealed as part of labor relations or covered in agreements of confidentiality) violates any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other ownership right of third parties, contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs, drawn having as an aim the interruption , the cause of damage, the destruction or the equipment operation of any computer software or hardware; deliberately or inadvertently violates the Greek and community legislation in force and its provisions, can harass third parties in any way and any content used for collection or storing personal information regarding other users.

The Company takes ongoing care for the correct and exact publication of all the information regarding the product range that it promotes and exhibits on the Website.
The Company is not responsible for any errors in the context of the information on the Website such as pricing, availability, photographs, graphics, types etc. that may be caused for example by technological shortcomings and failures, typographical and/or human errors.

Users are requested to inform the Company by e-mail: lapin.exports@lapinhouse.com or telephonically on (+30)210 5706142
where they detect any error at any stage when processing their orders.


The Website forms part of the Company's copyright and is protected by the relevant provisions of the National and International legislation in force as well as of the international conventions concerning copyright. We mention indicatively the texts, files of every kind, labels, logos, the Website layout, programs, photographs, graphics, designs, the commercial and financial information etc.

Copyrights of third parties such as collaborators, collaborating institutions etc. is not subject of our Company's copyright.

Partial copying, distribution, storage, reproduction, publication, transfer, alteration, modification and any related act regarding the Website or Company's business is strictly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from the Company. Acts in contravention of this may be in violation of the intellectual/ industrial property rights of the Company and the Company reserves the right to claim any incidental and consequential damages that may arise.


The Company adheres to the directions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority for personal data (www.dpa.gr) and takes every care to record data accurately. The Company takes no responsibility in the event any of its conventional or legal obligations is not fulfilled due to incorrect or untimely personal information supplied by the customers.

The Company cannot be held responsible for incorrect communication information supplied by customers such as e-mail and other addresses and contacts

In order for the Company to better service customers and to expedite orders efficiently customers must register as Website users www.lapinhouseb2b.com  On first visiting the Website customers will be required to complete the registration request .  During your registration as registered users the Company can proceed to, and you as registered users accept the installation of a session cookies system exclusively for your identification and the identification of the customers transactions for the creation of the customer history, presented on the customers  personal page and visible only to him. The aforementioned users accept the installation of  the customers transactions for the creation of the customer history, presented on the customers  personal page and visible only to him. The aforementioned session cookies have the exclusive aim to cover the optimum management of the customers profile and transactions so that customers are not obliged to fill their data anew every time they visit the Website.The Company adheres to the rules for the cookies (Regulation ΕU 2016/679).

Our Company records the customer’s absolutely necessary personal data for the purpose of registering as a user on the Website. The customer has unimpeded access to his data and may request to have his data deleted. The customer may at any time exercise his rights under Regulation EU 2016/679. In any event the Company only maintains a customer’s data for the period he is registered as a user.

The customer’s personal data is not disclosed to any third party and is used only by the Company to manage transactions and settlement of electronic payments via banks.

Customers data is used and protected in compliance with the Regulation EU 2016/679. Moreover the information, data and transactions of customers is governed by the principles of confidentiality of communications and every measure is taken to ensure the protection and assurance of that confidentiality.



The user – member of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com accepts expressly, irreversibly and unconditionally the absolute right of the company to interrupt the use of the access code/s in the services of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com. and to interrupt the disposal of its content and information every time it finds that he/she violates the present terms. Additionally, the company can interrupt, suspend or modify the operation of the website in total or in part, permanently or temporarily anytime with or without prior notification of the user – member of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com.

The company is not responsible if, for any reason whatsoever the website’s operation is interrupted or the access to it is rendered tricky or/and impossible or/if, despite the satisfied security measures, “viruses” or other harmful software is located and transferred to the users’/visitors’ terminals, or if third non-authorized parties intervene in any way to the website’s content and operation, rendering its use tricky or causing problems to its good operation or intercepting information regarding the personal data of the customers and registered users of the website.

The company assumes no responsibility for any loss and /or damage suffered by the Customer arising from any communication and/ or commercial transaction concluded by of the customer with third parties   advertised in the company’s  www.lapinhouseb2b.com .

Moreover, the  company assumes no responsibility either for possible claims of legal or civil or/and penal nature  or for possible damage (incidental, special or consequential which indicatively and not restrictively, separately or/and cumulatively constitutes a loss of earnings, data, indirect loss of earning, monetary satisfaction etc.) from users – members of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com  or third parties because of a reason concerning the operation or not or/and the use of the website or/and an impossibility of offering services or/and information provided by the company through the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com   or/and    from    possible    non-allowed interventions of third parties to products or/and services or/and information provided through it or/and arising security gaps.

Provided that one of the aforementioned issues is due to a proven grave negligence or trickery from the part of the company, the company is responsible only for the cover of a possible incidental damage of the person injured arising and regarding directly the aforementioned. All the other limitations of responsibility mentioned in the present terms of use recognized and accepted by the user – member of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com  are accordingly  in force in total, as valid and in compliance with the good faith and the transactional practice.




► Terms acceptance: The user - member of the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com declares that after having read the present terms, he/she unconditionally accepts them in their total and that he/she  recognizes  expressly,  irreversibly  and  unconditionally  that
they govern the total of the services offered by the website “during all his/her navigation in the website www.lapinhouseb2b.com or/and his/her transaction with the website”.

► Modification of the terms of use: The present terms of use may be modified anytime and with no reason by the company, with or without prior notification. Every possible modification of the terms is automatically in force when they are posted on the website.

► Nullity of a term: In case one of the aforementioned terms is rendered null, no nullity of the other terms of the present Contract is entailed.

► Delay of exercising of a right: Possible delay of exercising by the member (company and customer) of a part or the total of the rights arising from the present terms, does not cause an exhaustion or renunciation from the right in question, which may be exercised anytime in a future stage and at the discretion of the holder of the right.

► Jurisdiction – Law Applicable: Any disputes arising out of the present terms and conditions are governed by Greek law and the Courts of Athens shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.